Summer Art Classes

The focus will be on attaining drawing skills or honing your present skills to take you to the next level. I am a certified Visual Arts Teacher and professional working artist who has a passion for empowering students through skills acquisition in a positive atmosphere.  Join us in a creative endeavor.

Where: Liberty Bay Gallery, 18830 Front St, Poulsbo, WA.

When: Saturday July 23, 2-5pm

How to sign up: Call or text Michele 206-940-3248


Online at search ‘art classes’ for ‘Poulsbo’

Bring: Sketching supplies if you have them, sketchbook or drawing paper (8 ½” x 11” or larger)

More dates to come.

Third attempt

Mistakes and ugly paintings are so great.  This is what helps me to strive for and find new methods of applying paint to create what I see in my mind, on paper. I’m pretty excited about the results today for this background.  It’s just the beginning of course, but a heck of a lot better beginning that the first two attempts. There will be a dog in this painting, as it is a commission. She is black. My challenge overall is to watch my values so that they don’t get too dark.



Horse and Dog

Recently I had the pleasure of hand delivering a painting to my client in Seattle.  I got to paint a palomino named Oscar who looks like quite the character.


Bella the Great Dane is now beginning to command her presence on my paper.  She is black so I know I’ll have fun creating some contrast. More on her soon.

My website

Hi all.

My website, is functioning again after changing hosts.  The folks at GoDaddy and one dude at Sitestar have been super helpful during this process.  Unfortunately though, my site does not automatically come up, when I Google it.  Though it is a challenge for my skill set, I am slowly tackling this issue.  If you want to view my website, enter the address into the url box above.  Thanks for your patience.

And now I am returning to a painting of a cute palamino.  I will post progress images soon.


Be back soon….

Oh how I am missing my artworld.  Life took a turn and I chose to take a long term sub job teaching calculus, pre calculus, and geometry and the high school I so dearly love and believe in.  Now I know for sure, I want to teach only art in order to strengthen and then diversify my skills.  Teaching my students art helps me to breathe and I look forward to my next teaching position.

I am blessed presently, as this school year comes to an end, to be working on two commissions.  One of a large black great dane and the other of a very cute and a little bit round quarter horse that will be given as a Birthday gift to the client’s wife.  I will be back soon with some images of my current work in progress.




New Year’s Resolution?

Do you have a New Year’s Resolution? Do you have multiple Resolutions? Personally I like to keep some focus on one or more ‘goals’ for the year. Sometimes I win, sometimes I forget it by January 2.  This year my focus is, and has been since mid December, ‘to live from my authentic artist self’. As an artist this does mean to engage and respect my creative self more and more all the time.  Questioning and listening to that all pervasive artist being inside is part of this process.  If only I could find that planet called ‘Planet Arts’ where we, the artists, are not the aliens, but all who do not possess that unmistakable creative force are indeed the aliens or freaks of society.  Now that would turn the tables. I will keep dreaming of this special planet and continue my New Years Goal hear on earth of listening to and living from my authentic artist self, on many levels. It’s been working well since mid December so I figure I’ll have a running start come New Years.

I would love to hear about your New Year’s Resolution(s) or whatever it is  you may decide to begin on January 1.  Happy 2016 and blessings to you.


Award winning equine art, salish canoes, landscapes, animals.