Tag Archives: travel

Canoe paintings are now on view at The Meadery at Wilderbee Farm in Port Townsend.

These lovely Canoe Paintings are now on view at The Meadery at Wilderbee Farm in Port Townsend. Since 2016 I have been taking pictures of the canoes at Suquamish. I really enjoy how unique each one is in form and what images it shows. As an artist, I aim to celebrate this cultural event and narrative of life of the people involved with Canoe Journey. As a northwest native, I adore being able to sit in the House of Awakened Culture during dancing and celebration and visiting of friends. Such a special time.

These will be on display through April 28 so go and see them if you can! 223 Cook Avenue at The Meadery where everything is organic! Open Sat/Sun 12-5

‘Chetzemoka’, 18″ x 21″, watercolor and gouache. Based on Canoe Journey landing at Fort Worden State Park 2019. Original painting is for sale $950. Go to my website to order notecards. horsepainter.square.site. Please email me with inquiries about the painting. michele@horsepainter.com
‘Arrived’, 24″ x 28″, watercolor, Based on an image of canoes arriving at Suquamish and being greeted, 2018 Canoe Journey. Original painting is available, $1300. Go to my website to order notecards. horsepainter.square.site
Please email me with inquiries about the painting. michele@horsepainter.com
‘Oh the Stories’, 15″ x 19″, watercolor. These two lovelies were part of the Canoe Journey at Suquamish in 2018. I think they have some stories to tell. Original available, $600. Not listed on my website yet. Email me with questions about the painting or ordering notecards. michele@horsepainter.com